2018年9月15日 星期六
Today is 15th on lunar calendar of July. In Taiwan we call it as “Zhongyuan Pudu”. Most people will offer fish, chicken and pork(三牲), fruit, rice, noodle candies, cookie, drink…all kind of you want to eat food, burn praying cash to honor ancestor and ghost outside.
In this time, my daughter helps grandpa and grandma to prepare all things of worship. Every time my daughters help me or family make me have a great time, because they are more and more thoughtful. So I take a photo to commemorate her good behavior.
In addition, I found a good way to solve the problems with lighting incense. The good idea is to use straw. So incense can put into straw to prevent food or washbasin from burning.
Finally wish all of us can save and health, make lots of money just like the picture of burning praying cash.
今仔日是農曆7月15. 佇咱台灣咱叫伊”中元普渡”. 大部分的人會準備魚肉,雞肉,豬肉(三牲), 水果, 米, 麵, 糖仔餅, 涼仔…所有你想欲食的物件提來拜拜, 順紲攢金料來祭拜祖先,以及外面大埕好人客.
這擺我的查某囝有共阿公阿嬤鬥款拜拜。每一擺我的查某囝若是共我抑是厝內面人鬥相共的時, 我攏感覺非常歡喜, 因為in愈來愈捌代誌矣.所以我刁工翕相來記錄in的好表現.
另外, 我發現一个解決插香問題的好方式. 這个好方法就是利用吸管. 將香插入去吸管內面,就會當避免香去燒著物件抑是臉桶仔.
最後祝福所有的大德, 逐家攏會當闔家平安健康大趁錢,就親像金桶裡面的金料這爾旺!
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